Vogue, Photography and Inclusivity
Passports was the main theme of the last Photo Vogue Festival that took place from 14 to 17 November at BASE in Milan. The main aim was to mark diversity, which is not only a means of diversification in modern reality but rather the human state to act out in the world and become relevant. The exhibition and the subjects which followed focused on the communication between different cultures through open mindsets; the web and its applications work in a way which makes someone feel connected with another person who thinks, acts and talks in their same way, thanks to the applications' algorithms. These kinds of dialogues allow a breakdown in the creation of systems such as online and offline ecochambers.
Photographic projects showed even how nowadays this media is used by politic power as to give an auto-representation of politicians and parties in a totalitarian and controlled way and to provide a systematical depiction of the contemporary world. On this way some photographers, talking about the Italian scene are trying to subvert pacifically with their work these ideals, it is the case of Marco Valli and Luca Santese with all their projects and in particular the last one, Realpolitik.
Photo from huffingtsonpost.it
Another great theme was the female empowerment in the photography field, despite of the big numbers of women apprentice in this area and the spread of numerous photobook, it is not so simple after the shootings and all the effort to publish to be noticed in the sector so creating awareness and collecting seem nowadays to be a way to give a boost especially for the newly entered.
Andrea Modica collection
A last thought about arts related to social networks time, the critic Francesco Bonami together with the italian comic character and actress Geppi Cucciari summarised the theme talking about the transition from the Renaissance era to the Recognition era, a period in which everyone needs each moment of his or her life to be recognised and so accepted by the others.
Down here you can find a selection of the pics by the exhibition.
David PD Hyde
Evelyn Bencicova
Romina Ressia
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